ISSA KAMGAING FROM BAMENDA, CAMEROON Oh! Glory! Thank you for this powerful word Pastor Sir. I’m excited for this month’s message. I’m expectant for what the Lord has in store for me.
PAUL JOHNSON FROM NIGERIA Thank you Pastor Sir for this wonderful teaching. I declare that the Spirit of God is at work in me. I am making progress, I’m increasing on every side. I have more than enough in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
RHODA MULENKO FROM GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA I am thankful for Pastor Chris’s teachings and the revelation knowledge he shares, it has helped me grow spiritually! I am blessed and prosperous!
ZAMORA ZAKI FROM SOUTH AFRICA Oh my God!!! Thank you Holy Spirit!!! I can’t be hearing this message this much at this point in time in vein. Indeed I am changed by your Word, I allow it to change my life wholeheartedly! I will not stagger anymore because of lack of faith!! Glory to God!
HLENGIWE SIBEL FROM SOUTH AFRICA Thank you, Pastor. God bless you for these powerful massages you share with us on the Online Missions page, I have been blessed by them. Glory to God!
IRÉN FEHÉRNÉ LIVES IN BUDAPEST, HUNGARY Hallelujah, Glory to God!!! Thank you Lord, Thank you Jesus! God’s blessing for you Pastor Chris, 100% is assured! I love you Holy Spirit!
ABREHAM HAILE FROM GIDOLE, GAMO GOFA, ETHIOPIA Thank you, Pastor Chris, these words are fire shut up in my bones. I received it in the name of Jesus! I influence my world by this name my righteous father Jesus. hallelujah amen amen!!!!
THULIE ZOE FROM THE USA I receive, I’m empowered, I’m strengthened and lifted in my inner man: thank you, Jesus. And thank you, Pastor Chris, for always sharing the truth of God’s Word in a way we can grasp and understand.